Patti Loach, pianist


“Loach is a chameleon of the keyboard, playing brilliantly

in so many different styles I sometimes feel she should be

checked out for multiple personality disorder!”

Richard Ouzounian, Toronto Star, 10/29/09


“In Patti Loach, Jean Stilwell has found a worthy co-conspirator whose strong support at the keyboard matches the singer in pathos and humour. Loach must also be given credit for the wonderful arc of this evening which owes much to her discovery of such compelling songs, as well as her talents as a writer and arranger. Our listeners were spellbound: Jean and Patti quickly took hold of their heartstrings and never let go.”     

Bruce Garman, Saskatoon Opera

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“Thanks again for putting my work out into the world so conscientiously and with such musicality”

John Bucchino, composer, 11/04/08

“One more observation last night was on the quality of Loach's playing. This was show music rendered with a grace, subtlety and craft that could put many an art song or opera accompanist to shame."

John Terauds, Musical Toronto, October 21, 2012